Whether you were looking for us or you came across us by chance – welcome to the latest post in a series where we  simplify tricky terms regularly used in Erasmus+ projects.

 Our objective at Meraki is to make Erasmus+ projects accessible to all. We know that some of the terms can make developing a project difficult. That is why, we have created this series of blog posts that explain the terminology you need for your projects and make it all easy to grasp.

Once a week, we take one specific term that is essential to understand when you are preparing your Erasmus+ project and make it easy to understand.We will be providing you with all the explanations you need to get working on that project!

Last week we looked at what Centralised Actions are. Definitely have a look at that post if you missed it- it is worth it! and it links with what we will be talking about today.


Have you heard of decentralised actions? Do you know what they are?

Quite simply, The Erasmus+ Programme consists of Centralised and Decentralised actions.The former we talked about in last week’s post (remember to have a look if you missed it!). The latter is a funding area of Erasmus+ that is managed in each programme country by National Agencies. Each of these National Agencies is appointed by their respective National Authorities to ensure the programmes are delivered in their countries.Spain has two national agencies:

  1. For the field of education and training- Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE).
  2. For the field of youth – Spanish National Agency for Youth (INJUVE). 

There you have it: terminology made easy. Remember that every week we will explain a new Erasmus+ term. 

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