As you may already know, here at Meraki we want to make Erasmus+ projects as accessible as possible. We know that some of the terminology can make developing a project seem daunting. A lot of the language is very specific and can be difficult to grasp. That’s why we´ve created this series of blog posts that explain the terminology you need for Erasmus+ projects and make it all easy to understand. 

Each week we will take one term and provide you with explanations and examples to make preparing your Erasmus+ project far easier. That way, all you need to do is focus on developing that great idea  you have into a solid proposal. 

Last week we looked at the term Associate Partners. We looked at what their role is in Erasmus+ projects and also compared them to partner organisations to make sure the difference was very clear. If you haven’t already read it, it’s definitely worth checking out!

This Week´s Term is DISSEMINATION

What is dissemination?

To put it simply, dissemination is basically sharing project information, knowledge, and results widely. A successful dissemination plan maximises the impact of the project by enhancing its visibility and spreading its successes as far as possible. 

This is a very important and mandatory part of all Erasmus+ projects. Not only can it spread awareness of the results of the project, but it can also increase the visibility of organisations implementing the project,and can facilitate future partnerships. It also promotes the Erasmus+ project programme. 

When planning your project dissemination it is important to think about who your target audiences are and what the best ways to reach them is.Making a plan at the beginning of your project is a great way to stay on top of things and ensure that as many relevant people as possible hear about the project and it´s results.

We hope this has been useful for you!

Remember to follow our posts for our weekly Glossary of Terms.

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