Metodología de Gestión de Proyectos: 8 PM2 & Proyectos Europeos

Project Management Methodology: 8 PM2 & European Projects

Now that we have covered the key aspects of the PM2 methodology we can  analyse how it can be adapted and used for European Projects.

Remember, that PM2 was designed and developed by the European Commission with European Union Institutions in mind. It is open-source and is straight-forward and easy to implement. 

Of course, applying to calls for European Projects can be an incredibly competitive process. Each call has pre-determined evaluation criteria which is used to ultimately decide which projects get funding and which ones don’t.

Choosing the write call for funding, one that your project proposal aligns with, is crucial. For that, you need to be sure that what you are proposing fits well with the call in order to be successful. 

Although the PM2 methodology is neither compulsory to use nor is it necessarily placed as a recommended methodology, it can add considerable value to your project proposal. In fact, it is based on project management best practices, so it can help you to improve the management of your project. 

Moreover, it can also help you to clarify the roles and responsibilities and have a clear governance model and importantly, it helps us to focus on the benefits of the project which are of importance to the funding bodies. 

The artefacts and documents provided by PM2 can also help with a range of areas. For example, the sustainability of your project can be aided by the transition plan and the business implementation plan. 

As we have said all along, PM2 is an adaptable methodology. Thus, you can tailor it to meet the needs of the project you are working on. And remember,  the project management methodologies are there to serve the project and not the other way around.
To sum up, PM2 can be of huge benefit to any of you working on or looking to apply for European Project Funding.

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