Whether you follow our blog regularly or you have just come across us for the first time by chance – welcome to this week’s addition of our Glossary of Terms series!
Here at Merak we want to make Erasmus+ projects accessible to everyone. We know that some of the terminology and language can be difficult to grasp and can make developing a project seem daunting. That is why we have created this series of blog posts – to explain the terminology you need for Erasmus+ projects and make it all easy to understand.
We explain one term each week and give examples to make preparing your Erasmus+ project far easier. That way, you can focus on turning that great idea into an impressive proposal.
In last week’s post we looked at the term mobility. We discussed what it is and the benefits it has for the participants. If you have not already had the opportunity to read it, it is definitely worth checking out! Our post this week is actually closely related to last week´s topic.
This week´s term is VIRTUAL MOBILITY
Have you ever heard of virtual mobility? Do you know what it is?
Well, simply put, the term virtual mobility means an activity or series of activities, supported by ICT, which enable collaborative international experiences. These can be related to learning, teaching, or training depending on the type of virtual mobility project that you participate in.
Virtual Mobility has been particularly useful during the Covid19 pandemic as a way to continue to provide these fantastic opportunities to people without them even needing to leave their home.
We really hope that this has been useful for you!
Remember that every week we have a new post in our Glossary of Terms series.
Keep following our posts to stay up to date!